List of File Sharing Software

From LANPartyWiki

To make it easy to transfer files between attendees at events, you can use 3rd party software to simplify the process.

Name Description Windows Linux OSX Searching Decentralised Hashing Required
D-LAN The goal is to easily exchange a large amount of data in a local area network environment like a LAN-Party. After you launched D-LAN, you will see all other people and their sharing automatically without special configuration.
FAP FAP is a HTTP based lan file sharing tool. It features chat, system spec comparison, file search, network service scanning and queable file downloads. Shared files and folders can also be downloaded via a web browser. The tool is optimised for high bandwidth LAN enviroments i.e. Gigabit+ ?
Direct Connect Direct Connect (DC) is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. Direct Connect clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one another.