Contributing to LANPartyWiki

From LANPartyWiki

As with all Wikis, LANPartyWiki works best when everyone can contribute knowledge on a subject. This said, it's important to adhere to the following rules to ensure the articles in this wiki are as useful to as many people as possible.

Cite Sources for Claims

While a lot of the content in this wiki will be opinion-based, wherever possible cite sources for any claims. Not only does this ensure that fewer bogus claims make it into the wiki, it also gives the reader further reading if they require it.

Keep Information Applicable Internationally

LAN parties are held across the globe, so where possible keep information universally applicable. If this is not possible, add a heading for the country where the information does apply, to avoid confusion.

Accommodate Console Players

Pages should be written to accommodate console players where possible. It should not be assumed that everyone reading this wiki is hosting or attending a PC-based LAN party.

Keep Information Specific to LAN Parties

For example, to avoid wholesale copy-pastes of server setup guides please instead link to them. The idea is to keep the information on this wiki what's unique for LAN parties.


Address the reader as "you" where needed. This wiki is more of a guide than an Encyclopedia, so speaking directly to the reader is natural.